[18+] Filipina Trike Patrol 14

Filipina Trike Patrol Volume 14. There used to be an old saying back in the American frontier days that went: 'Go West, Young Man'. But for our insatiably pussy-hungry Trike Patrol crew, it's a little different. A loud voice in their sick-minded head tells them: 'Go East, Middle-aged dude .... Far East!' What you are about to behold is the end result of the 14th time those inner-voices have urged them on a 3-wheeled pussy safari ride through the Philippines.. From their late-night hookup with large-labia'd Khate, to a hot three-some with thick-assed Anne and Ivy, a roadside pick-up of elf like proportioned Danica, an early-morning sloppy seconded Lynn or an anal poop-chute stuffing of the cute Japanese looking Aiko, the trike Patrol boys open up the new year in Jizz-spraying style. And by 'style', they mean plugging every random little brown fucking machine hole they can get their dicks into!.